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Digital Brochure creator

Digital brochures

The ideal tool for improved customer journeys

As sales cycles are becoming more and more digital every day, the tools salespeople have available in their arsenal should follow. A digital first sales cycle requires digital first product brochures. Digital brochures can be used during a sales presentation, can be easily distributed to leads and prospects and can deliver useful data for customer centric sales journeys. Additionally, the multitude of content options improve the customer experience.

What is a digital brochure?

A digital brochure is a (product) catalogue in digital form. Contrary to what you might think, it is not simply a pdf version of a printed master brochure. Digital brochures are much more than that! They are a standalone communication tool that allows you to add animations, videos, product configurators and more. As they are interactive in nature, they increase customer engagement and the ease of selling. Their benefits help businesses to maximise leads and conversions and to expand brand awareness.

Digital brochure creator

Vintage is experienced in the creation of digital brochures. Furthermore, we can help you to create your own digital brochures. For several of our customers we have created a web-based tool that allows you to create your own digital brochures. No design or development skills required! We make sure that your brand identity and corporate guidelines are consistently followed throughout every brochure you create. We can integrate translation management in the tool and a PDF converter, should you wish to bring physical brochures to an event, for example.

Want to start creating? Give us a call!

Digital first

As a digital first communication tool, digital brochures are always up to date. A minor change in the content or product listing can simply be adapted and published. The old version will automatically disappear from the web. This means no hassle with multiple brochure versions and no outdated information in the running.

On- and offline

Digital brochures can be used on- and offline. A link to the brochure is very easily shared, making distribution a simple task and expanding reach compared to traditional printed brochures. Additionally, no cost for production (printing) or transport needs to be taken into account.

Improved UX and lead generation

The ability to add animations, videos and a multitude of interactive tools (360° views, product configurators, quizzes, etc.) give the user experience a boost. These attractive content forms, combined with an intuitive navigation and possibly a responsive design allow users to easily open and read your brochures on any device, anywhere. Make sure to add CTA buttons or contact detail forms and links to your company website for optimal lead generation and conversion!

Analytics are key

Communication is key, but only communicating the right content to the right person will open every door towards a sale. Digital brochures allow you to analyse user behaviour. You’ll know which pages, content or products are looked at (or not) and which content engages the most and holds the user’s attention. You can even, taking into account the GDPR regulations, track which content a certain user finds most interesting so you can tailor your sales conversation fully to that specific lead.

Seeing is believing

Click the image to view the brochure

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